Become A Member
Boulder Junction Shooting Range is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, charitable corporation.
Additional donations are greatly appreciated.
The Boulder Junction Shooting Range (BJSR) is not responsible for accidents. Participation in any shooting activity, or as a spectator, constitutes a waiver and release of BJSR officers, board members, and members, the Town of Boulder Junction, and the State of Wisconsin from any and all liabilities for accidents or losses. If you want a membership card mailed to you, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.
FAMILY: $25.00 | BUSINESS $50.00
Fill out the Membership Application and bring it to the Clubhouse or Mail To:
P.O. BOX 171
Boulder Junction, WI 54512-0171
Range Rules
Clean Up After Yourself
It takes a lot of work to put on events and clean up afterwards. Please help out if you can. If you can’t, at least pick up your shells, boxes, bottles and other trash and put them in the appropriate receptacles. Don’t toss shell boxes in with hulls; place burnable trash in the burn barrel or burnable trash container.
Attention Dog Owners
Attention Dog Owners For the safety of your dog and others, PLEASE FOLLOW THESE RULES:
- No dog within 20 feet of the shooting line.
- If your dog is aggressive to people or to other dogs, leave it home, in your vehicle, or tie it up.
- Pick up after your dog. Shovels are available.
Alcohol Policy
BJSR Members and League Members may bring their own alcoholic beverages, for their own use after they are finished shooting, provided they take those beverages with them when they leave. All members are duty bound to ensure that no one resumes shooting after consuming alcohol.